
At Odessa we take our role in safeguarding children very seriously and will always have the safety and welfare of our children at the centre of all we do.

We have three trained designated safeguarding leads (DSL)  as well as a whole staff who are regularly updated and trained in safeguarding and child protection procedures. The school uses Safeguard, which is an online reporting system that all staff use to report concerns to the DSLs. This system also provides up to date safeguarding training and all staff have completed this. The DSLs ensure that all new staff are given thorough induction and are required to complete the on line training as soon as they join the team. 

“Schools and colleges and their staff are an important part of the wider safeguarding system for children. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means they should consider at all times, what is in the best interests of the child”.

Keeping Children Safe in Education – DfE, September 2019

Early Help, Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy


Our Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguard Lead
Clare Barber
Odessa Infant School
0208 534 7967


Designated Safeguard Lead
Sue Tindling
Odessa Infant School
0208 534 7967


Designated Safeguard Lead
Michelle Marchant
Odessa Infant School
0208 534 7967