Whole School Events

April 2024


The children put on a wonderful Eid performance.  They confidently explained how and why Eid is celebrated and some children acted out Eid celebrations using props. The teachers were very proud of the confidence the children demonstrated during this assembly. It was lovely to see many families come to watch and support their children.

Easter 2024 

The Easter assembly was well attended and received by our parents and carers. Each class sang Easter songs to mark the forthcoming Easter celebrations. The children decorated they own Easter hats and wore them proudly during the performance.

March 2024

At Odessa we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters. Mr. Mineiro organised cosy reading sessions for all year groups in the hall and the children really enjoyed spending time reading their favourite books.

We were also impressed by how our families took part in our annual potato/veg book characters challenge! They were some very creative entries. Thank you to all who took part – this experience has inspired our love of reading even further. 

February 2024 

Lunar New Year 

Thank you to all the parents and carers that came to watch our Lunar New Year assembly. The children performed festive songs and were very proud to reveal their Chinese

character Nian which usually means “year” or “new year”. The children managed to move this delicate structure in time to the music. What a wonderful performance!


December 2023

The children put on a wonderful Christmas performance for our families. It really felt festive and we were very proud of the children’s acting skills, all of their hard work paid off!

Each class sang a Christmas song and finished off the assembly with a whole school song. The children and staff appreciated the support from all of the parents and carers who came to watch.


October 2023 

Show Racism The Red Card Day 

We were impressed by how many children and their families wore red to mark Show Racism The Red Card at Odessa. It was fantastic to see pupils, parents and staff all unite to mark a crucial campaign – adding to our sense of community and our respect for one another.