
January 2024

Magpie Park

The nursery went in small groups to Magpie Park to look for animals and mini-beasts. The children were fascinated by the

local wildlife. They were able to use language to describe what they observed and were excited to come back to nursery to share their experience with staff and their families.

Dear Zoo

The nursery children have been learning all about the book, ‘Dear Zoo’. The children were curious and interested in the animals that were in the story bag. They were able to name them and also enjoyed making sounds like the animals. The children have also been learning about where in the world the animals come from and what they need in order to survive in the wild.

December 2023

Nursery Christmas Celebration

The nursery children worked very hard to learn actions and words to Christmas songs for their audience with parents and carers. The performance went very well and the families who came to watch were very proud of the children.

October 2023 


Nursery children spent time exploring different materials and tools in order to create models to express their ideas. They made some fantastic models. They really are creative chameleons!